Digital & Technology Apprenticeship

apprenticeship course

Reliable digital and technology apprenticeships in London, South England

Are you looking for a digital and technology apprenticeship course? Contact the team at Southern Education Consultancy.

Digital and technology apprenticeships

The digital and technology apprenticeship course brings together a wide range of digital and technology training. Our team will strive to maintain a balance of technical competence, and intellectual and practical skills. This will support apprentices both as learners and as digital and technology professionals. Get in touch with us today to discuss your needs.
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Apprenticeship courses for all

Whether the apprentice is a developer, an engineer or an analyst, our apprenticeships can always help them. We will harness and develop ‘in-house’ talent by providing them with technical knowledge and soft skills to manage a range of stakeholders. This will help them to perform the job efficiently.

Available digital and technology apprenticeship courses:

  • IT Application Specialist level 2: 16-18 months
  • IT Application Specialist level 3: 16-18 months 
  • Digital Marketer level 3: 16-18 months
  • Infrastructure Technician level 3: 16-18 months
  • Software Developer level 4: 20-24 months
  • Software Tester level 4: 20-24 months
  • Network Engineer level 4: 20-24 months
  • Data Analyst level 4: 20-24 months
  • Cyber Intrusion Analyst level 4: 20-24 months
  • Cyber Security Technologist level 4: 20-24 months
  • Digital and Technology Solutions Professional level 6: 32-36 months
We also offer childcare apprenticeship programmes at great prices throughout South England.
 For all courses, a £20.00 deposit is required. Once paid, you will get a call within the next 24 hours. All deposits will be deducted from the final price. 
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If you want to enrol in digital and technology apprenticeships, call us on 07927 188796
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